Saturday, October 9, 2010

How To Kill A Major Toothache


North of the island a result, no too big, fell to the ground and removed the group of four huge leaves that raised half a meter of soil. The tree that hung over them just let in sun triangles, so that they appeared drawn with shadows that it would stop a madman to interpret.
A little farther south, an animal fled at the sound of footsteps in the autumn, which, however, was produced by falling from a high branch. Was lost between the trees, fast, toward the beach.

a desert island, it was what was missing. He had left his ship to seek inspiration in the high seas. Had spent years living on his canvases, but erotic works were no longer a novelty in the market. I needed something new, and the waves it would.
wanted to do away too much noise, the port and all those cameras portraying couples under a gull, and so ended up making his sketches in the shadow of a candle. Then he, sailing enthusiast, lost his orientation.
regained consciousness when he was there, face down on the shore of an island of silence curious, turning sharply at first to locate the boat. But it was not within his sight.

From that moment the young castaway left the world of thought, one that seemed much more certain and true that the nightmare of an apparent shipwreck.
recalled, as if that had been released unspoilt locked and hidden parts of his memory, dozens of faces that had passed through his life years ago. Affinities old recalled, her eyes that just crossed a few words and now wished he had sought to see them again. He also reminded those shadows that had treasured for long steps and yet there was now forced to settle for a place on the top shelf. Although the boxes are always good dust them down from time to time to pass a trapo por encima, pensó.
Y, así, el joven pintor quiso seguir dando voz a su cabeza. Pensó en su chica y en el abrazo que le daría al regresar, e incluso se aventuró a soñar con cómo serían sus hijos. Probó de calcular cuanto tiempo estaría allí, si sería salvado a tiempo para las vacaciones de verano. Lo tenían todo ya planeado: ellos dos, solos, visitando las románticas islas griegas. Además, dentro de dos semanas presentaba una exposición de cuadros que preveía ser visitada por personas de toda la península, aunque para llegar a ese momento debía pasar por las previas noches de café y pincel en mano para acabar así todos los lienzos.

Thus, a new night fell on the beach, carrying with it the exhaustion that made the wreck close my eyes without another possible choice. So he slept in the same place where the tide had left him, cold and wet clothes stuck to his body, with the waves breaking at night just inches from his feet.



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