Our country is preparing for an unprecedented move! To date, the Costa Rican government refuses to deliver the Fund for the State Socialist Emancipation (FEES) with that disrespect our sacred self and violating the peace accords that ended the war led by Costa Rica and Montes de Oca on 12 April, which was to end the independence of our sovereign Republic Bolivariana.
Our Intelligence Center (SINDEU) has taken a patriotic attitude, to ask the president to declare the War the lackey government of Costa Rica. At this time the President González is deliberating in the Kremlin Montesdeocaneño (former University Council) on the tactics to keep fighting.
montesdeocaneños Citizens who do not attend mandatory military service when we start the invasion of Costa Rica, will be taken prisoners to Pretilburgo and shot by his act of high treason. Who help to hide the traitors, will be fined with 100 Yamilívares.
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